Compassionate Yet Aggressive
Family Law Attorneys


“I never thought I would be here.” You are not alone. Most people who find themselves in divorce proceedings did not think it would happen to their marriage either. But it did. What do you do now?

Several issues must be addressed:

Uncontested divorce: If you and your spouse can resolve your issues, you may be able to file for uncontested divorce. Each of you would sign an agreement outlining the division of all assets, debts, and real and personal property, as well as a proposal for the judge to resolve custody and child support issues. If this is a viable option for you, we can walk you through the process.

Contested divorce: Sometimes, reasonable minds disagree. If you cannot come to an agreement on one or more issues, then your divorce is contested. Many contested matters reach resolution short of trial either through mediation, collaborative law or one-on-one settlement. Attorney Miriam Arnold-Johnson can assist you in any of these areas. If a resolution cannot be reached, she is ready, willing and comfortable in the courtroom in front of either a judge or a jury.

Domestic violence: Unfortunately, domestic violence sometimes goes hand in hand with divorce. The advantage with our firm is that we have experience representing both the abused and the wrongly accused. There is help. Temporary protective orders and police intervention are available in all counties.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with an experienced divorce attorney.