Compassionate Yet Aggressive
Family Law Attorneys

Ensuring Your Safety With A Temporary Protective Order

Your safety should be your top priority. If someone else is compromising that, you have the right to protect yourself. In Georgia, a restraining order is known as a temporary protective order. An attorney can help you put one in place to ensure you can move your life in a positive and healthy direction. Miriam Arnold-Johnson, PC, has helped clients get protection for themselves when it matters most.

What Is A Temporary Protective Order?

A temporary protective order is a court order that is signed by a judge. It prohibits the other party from having any contact with you for a specific period of time. If he or she breaks this order, they risk legal consequences — including jail time, a fine or being charged with a crime. The order is meant to protect both males and females who feel they are in immediate danger.

You may file a protective order against a current or former spouse, a person with whom you share a child, parents, children, stepparents, stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, and any people currently or formerly living in the same house as you. 

How Do I Get One?

To obtain a temporary protective order, you must first meet with an advocate to complete an initial screening. Here you can explain the reasons why you feel unsafe and provide any supporting evidence. You then appear before a judge and answer questions regarding your situation. 

Don’t Wait, Contact Us Today

It is important that you lead a life without fear. The law office of Miriam Arnold-Johnson, PC is here to help. Call our Snellville office today at 404-692-6274 or fill out our contact form.